
Business Plan

This is Naho.

Today was one of most important day for us because we had to hand in our printed
business plan!
Also, in today's class we all performed our presentation of business plans as rehearsal for
tommorow, Presentation day!
Tommorow is the most important day and the very end of our project.
Our presentation will be recorded ! It makes me nervous. For me, I think some people
also think so, presenting in front of people is harder than doing it towards camera.
But I'll do my best.
To do so, we need to recreate our presentation from feedbacks from today's class,
and practice again and again.

I noticed it just now, today was the last day for usual classes by Mr.Klutho(Hiroshi), Ms.Mckee,
and Mr.Hauff. I feel sad...

Today in Ron's class, we played a game.(Sorry I forgot the name)
There were 12 themes like 'Color','Girl's name' or 'Things in a fridge', and we are given
one letter such as 'D', then think of words fit each theme starts from the given letter.
The answers were the ones which other group didn't think, we got 2 points. If we answer
but others also say same words, both group got just 1 point.
My group with Brandi and Mei was came in first! but Kayla, Sara and Aiko 's group also did,
and unfortunately I lost Janken so couldn't get a prize...OMG!

I hope tomorrow's presentation finish successfully.
See you~

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Naho, this is Masaki. It seems you will soon reach one of the pinnacle moments of the program!

    Let me wish you good luck. I know you can do it very well; you're an outstanding students with great teammates, and moreover, you all have made tremendous efforts so far!

    Just tell yourself to relax and give what you have got in you, and you will do an amazing job for sure. I look forward to seeing you presentation : )

    Best wishes,

